Sunday, October 11, 2009

Apple leaves U.S. Chamber of Commerce over global warming views

05 October 2009 - Apple announced today that it is resigning from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce because it objects to the chamber's stand on global warming. The chamber opposes federal efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

This makes Apple the fourth company to part with the powerful U.S. business federation over global warming.

"Apple is committed to protecting the environment and the communities in which we operate around the world," Catherine Novelli, Apple’s vice president of worldwide government affairs, said in a letter to Thomas Donahue, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s president and CEO. "We strongly object to the Chamber’s recent comments opposing the EPA’s effort to limit greenhouse gases."

Apple is currently on a bid to burnish its green image by developing more energy-efficient products. Environmentalists all over the world applauded this move, as speculations are up for further companies to leave the chamber.

"Apple’s departure is a clear signal that more and more of the chamber’s members want it to download a new tune when it comes to climate change," said Peter Altman of the National Resources Defense Council.

"There is a growing recognition in the business community that strong clean-energy and climate legislation as the way to strengthen our economy, reduce our oil imports and reduce pollution, but the chamber is turning a deaf ear to the trend," Altman said.

For more information please refer to: the Boston Herald and other sources

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